Monday, April 18, 2011

I don't advise painting with tar. Here's why:

Yesterday I was given a little jump-painting project at the barn. I was asked to help create a stonewall-esque pattern, and was shown the jumps to be painted and told I could use any paint I found in the tool shed (a seriously limited selection, mind you). Though there were going to be a group of us ultimately working on them, I was not riding so I started the project alone. There was only one choice for dark paint, and while I thought the consistency was a little strange, I shrugged it off and got to work. Later, I found out that the "paint" I'd been using was nothing other than specially ordered FENCE TAR. Oooopsie! While I'm no stranger to paint on my hands, this is a little extreme.

Still, the finished jump is well worth the flack I'm going to get for my dirty hands for the next... uh, however long it takes tar to come off? In the meantime, the search is on for a book about solvents... there's gotta be one out there somewhere.

And as usual, the moose tuque made an appearance:

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