Wednesday, April 13, 2011

waterproof sidewalk chalk!

So last night (or the wee hours of this morning, whichever you prefer) I cruised around Northwest Portland on foot decorating the lonely sidewalk with fluorescent playground-esque hopscotch grids. To my dismay, after my two-hour nap I was rudely awoken by the sound of-- get this-- RAIN! Not cool, Portland. Do you really have NO sense of humor? Come on! Nothing cheers me up more than a little hopscotch... nothing, of course, other than my moose tuque.

Just a FEW of my colorful grids.

ANYWAY, after I set out to mourn the watery remnants of my (no-so) hard work, I remembered a previous life goal of mine... creating a formula for waterproof sidewalk chalk!

I immediately consulted a list of media and their binders in hopes of some kind of lightbulb going off to blaze a trail for my quest.

(Let me also point this out: I'm not looking to make anything PERMANENT or graffiti-style, just semi-permament... because, obviously I don't want to do anything that would get me in trouble with the law. I try to stay out of jail. So just some sidewalk chalk a la Northwest. Something along the lines of when you buy a raincoat that is "water resistant." You know what I mean.)

Yet alas, nothing.

Wax and chalk? Oily chalk? Like a pastel, but cheaper. Powdered chalk and vegetable oil? I just don't know yet.

But you gotta admit... when I figure it out, I'm gonna be RICH. And if not, at least I'll be able to keep myself entertained in the bipolar climate I call my home.

On that note--
WANTED: other sidewalk-chalk enthusiasts who reside in the Northwest and/or equally wet climates. Apply within.

1 comment:

N said...

Have you made any progress? I'm a marching band kid in South Florida and my section and I are looking for some chalk that doesn't wash away every time we use it! We'd love to hear about any partial or whole successes you've made, and maybe we can carry on with some of your ideas!