Friday, April 15, 2011

red dress party

So, tomorrow is the annual red dress party here in Portland. To be perfectly honest, I'm not even sure exactly what it is, but I do know it benefits AIDS/HIV funding & is a big GLBT thing... and I'm wickedly excited for it. AND I have a ticket.

Here's the catch: EVERYONE (and I mean EVERYONE) has to wear a red dress.

After appraising my closet, I found that I do not own a single red dress. I find this puzzling, seeing as I probably own EVERY OTHER PIECE OF CLOTHING KNOWN TO MAN. No, seriously... I could probably wear a different article of clothing every day for the next 5 years if I tried. I stumbled upon this sad realization today while attempting to clean/reorganize the aforementioned closet... the type of closet which could easily qualify for an episode of Hoarders.

ANYWAY, while explaining my red dress plight earlier, someone imparted the following comment about me & my wardrobe. Verbatim, it is as follows: "I'm surprised about that, because devils wear red!"

Thanks. A lot.

UPDATE: Nevermind, I went to the fabric store & am making my own dress. It's gonna be RIDICULOUS. Employing my less-than-great sewing skills to merge a clashing myriad of fabrics... stay tuned.

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