KATIE COURIC: Were you funny as a kid?
CHELSEA HANDLER: Well, as a child, I didn’t necessarily know if I was funny or not. I sure thought I was, and my family was really funny, so together nobody really stood out as being particularly funny because we all just kind of got a kick out of each other. And I got in trouble in school a lot, so whatever I thought was funny wasn’t being interpreted that way at school. And that’s when I was like, Wow, maybe I’m just really annoying.
KATIE COURIC: I’m the same way. You were once quoted saying, “I’m kind of a guy, but I like the crusade of a girl.” What did you mean by that?
CHELSEA HANDLER: I’m not a typical girl in the sense that I’m dying to get married or dying to procreate. I don’t really have those desires. I respect them, but I do feel like more of a guy in that way. And I don’t like to be tied down to one person. I don’t like long-term commitments. But I like the “crusade of a girl,” because I like what it says about women. I like to be able to do things my way and create a new path for myself that’s not based on what anybody else did before me.
KATIE COURIC: And to be a role breaker?
CHELSEA HANDLER: Yeah, and break roles, and not take life so seriously and not have everything be so dramatic. Somebody can get you down or you can fall down, but you gotta pick yourself up and you gotta laugh about it, and you just gotta keep going because it’s not that serious. And I think the people in your life are the people that—when you can make other people happy and you can give things to your family and your friends, you know, that’s really obviously what life is all about. But it doesn’t have to be children. It doesn’t have to be a husband. It can be whatever you make it.
KATIE COURIC: Your humor can be pretty out there. Do you self-edit?
CHELSEA HANDLER: I’m pretty clear about what I’m willing to say and the lengths I’m willing to go, and I think it’s important to be politically incorrect. You don’t want to be nasty, and you don’t want to be malicious. But it’s OK—I mean, funny trumps everything in my mind.
Read the full interview here: http://www.glamour.com/sex-love-life/2010/12/chelsea-handler-tells-katie-couric-well-i-dont-make-jokes-about-children#ixzz1DbqPXJpl
p.s. Chelsea Handler is a personal idol of mine and one of my favorite quotes of hers is "borderline amazing" ... google it, you'll likely find the clip that it is from :)
I LOVE YOU WIFEY and MISS YOU like there is no tomorrow
jessi K
love love love you. I think a thelma & louise post is in order...
also, a skype date.
miss you more than... my life?
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