I hate gouache paint. No matter how I use this media, it never seems to work for me in the way I originally aimed for. OK, I admit it-- this is not entirely true; I did use in on a printmaking monotype project where it worked quite well. However, I'm currently using it in one of my books and I now remember how annoying it was when I first used the aforementioned media. I honestly don't know why I hate it so much, but it just never seems to go well for me; no matter what I do, I can't seem to get a high quality image out of gouache comparable to those that I get out of acrylics or watercolor/ink. I know, I know-- they're completely different animals. Still, I find myself constantly frustrated by gouache, yet forced to use it in my books because instead of sticking as acrylics do, its chalky surface allows for higher craft perfection when painted between pages. So... that being said, my new life goal is to create a chalky paint that goes on as evenly and easily as acrylics and friends do. (My other long term goal? Waterproof sidewalk chalk. As I currently reside in Oregon, this type of chalk is necessary to practice for my life goal of competing in the world hopscotch championships.)
#2: WINE
I just kinda like wine. That's all I have to say about that.
A few months ago, I told my friend Shae I absolutely had to have a mustache tattooed on the inside of my right index finger. I designed the mustache, and she tattooed it on me using a sewing needle and India ink. Lately, I've seriously missed whipping out my "mustache" ironically during class discussions. It just doesn't feel the same when I show it off on the street or at the bar; I enjoy making people laugh, and they seemed to laugh the hardest when I placed it on my face during a serious critique or discussion during class time.
I'm not entirely certain why I chose to include Ayn Rand in this particular post, but I should probably mention that Ayn Rand is one of my favorite (if not my all-time favorite) authors who has ever penned a novel. Having personally read all of her novels as well as the majority of her philosophy as well as the entirety of her journals and letters, I do not find her to be the negative "capitalist" she's been painted to be as of late. Don't worry, I'm working on a book about this so my thoughts will be available to the public in the near future.
Who gives a fuck about the Oxford comma? I mean... who even knows what an Oxford comma is? Okay, obviously I do. But for my own personal satisfaction, I will not divulge this information to you. SECRET SOCIETY!
Look it up.
(BUT HINT: the title of this post perfectly exemplifies the Oxford comma. Despite my propensity for fondness toward this grammatical mystery, I am still debating how I truly feel about it.)
1. I dislike gouache as well.. but it's watercolor that I HATE.
2. I, too, love wine. Have found myself more into champagne (er, Brut) these days.. Brut is the poor man's champagne.. but it gets the job done.
3. I have joined a 'group' here called 'Mustache Mondays.' a group of females, adorned with fake mustaches, who go to a bar every monday, get drunk, and.. well - that's it. you'd fit right in..
4. haven't heard of Ayn Rand - I will get on that ASAP.. have you read any Tom Robbins ? (specifically read :: Still Life with Woodpecker) or Haruki Murakami (specifically :: Hard-Boiled Wonderland & The End of the World and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles) - both will blow you away ...
5. I applaud your use of the Oxford Comma
1. gouache paints are a-holes.
2. wine rules. we've established this in the past. things that also rule? ovens as heaters & stealing printing presses.
3. mustaches RULE.
4. AYN RAND is THE BEST. please read, with an (open mind). I HAVE READ TOM ROBBINS & I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!! Haven't read Haruki Murakami but will ASAP.
5. Who gives a fuck about the oxford comma? (I love that song. Vampire Weekend.)
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