Monday, January 31, 2011
Good idea: making art in any form.
Bad idea: cutting my own hair.
The end.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
weddings vs. funerals
At my funeral, I plan to request either an 80's or superhero theme... though I'm still open to suggestions. Canadian tuxedo, possibly? Just one rule: no black clothes allowed. Also, I will have put aside money in my will allowing for an open bar. Instead of telling endearing stories, people will be required to tell a tale relating to my ridiculousness. Here are some examples that may potentially surface:
1. That time I broke my face. Some people know how it really happened, many will never know. No matter which one of the stories you heard, when it comes down to it... it was pretty fuckin' funny.
2. That time I lost that bet and swam in my whites in the Spruce Meadows fountain (and the Palm Springs golf course pond... and the Sacramento Hilton pool... and pretty much every other body of water I came within range of).
4. That time while moonlighting as a ski racer when, while nightskiing, I ate it because I didn't see a mogul while I was trying to see how fast I could go. Or the time I skiied off that jump straight into a tree. Or that time I fell off the chairlift. Champ.
5. That time I insisted on climbing to the top of the Broadway Bridge in the middle of the night because it seemed like fun... and subsequently brought back every road sign I could carry on the way home. FYI: street signs make excellent apartment decorations.
6. That time I thought riding a dirtbike down the stairs was a great idea. Go big or go home? Not exactly. Quite a few bad decisions have almost been avoided until someone said, "Go big, or go home." Unfortunately, the idiot saying the aforementioned phrase is usually me. (Also see: that time I tried to ride a unicycle down the stairs. Also also see: that time I tried to rollerskate down the stairs.)
8. That time I broke any (& potentially every?) rule I could. Or that time when I pulled the dumbest prank known to man... which I inevitably found ridiculously hilarious. So, basically, almost anything relating to my everyday life. (As I recently found my senior yearbook, I'll divulge a few high school examples: turning essays in on red paper for AP English, stringing offices, "borrowing" the hand of the Jesus statue during an impromptu game of frisbee-golf, kidnapping authorities, hallway soccer, changing clocks forward, stealing uniform violation forms, skipping all-school homeroom and all masses by hiding in the darkroom, renaming AP Gov to AP Skip and fulfilling aforementioned nickname, "earthquake drills," COEUR DE JESUS, Mr. Shoe costumes on Halloween, putting "berets" on bushes, dressing up our friend the Jesus statue, giving our friend the Jesus statue ridiculous signs to hold, getting in trouble for getting the Jesus statue on our team... etc... I'm talking to you, Forest Ridge pranksters-in-crime.)

8. That time when I said that really moronic thing. Which leaves a lot of room for those who may have not witnessed my actions, but have encountered me even once... as almost everything that comes out of my mouth is pretty stupid.
Anyway, by now you probably get the picture. But two more things: in addition to the above requirements, the songs played at my wake must be "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" from the Wizard of Oz and "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" by Wham!. Finally, my tombstone will bear the following haiku, describing my life mantra:
Life is not about
winning or losing. It's just
(The exclamation point is necessary, as are the caps. I mean... as everyone knows, I HATE LOSING!)
I don't think that's too much to ask for.
After all... I've been to a lot of great weddings and parties, but a great funeral?
Top that.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
names, planes... & astronauts

the problem with ellipses.
Proof in point:
a plane curve such that the sums of the distances of each point in its periphery from two fixed points, the foci, are equal. It is a conic section formed by the intersection of a right circular cone by a plane that cuts the axis and the surface of the cone. Typical equation: ( x 2 / a 2 ) + ( y 2 / b 2 ) = 1. If a = b the ellipse is a circle.
Grammar .
the omission from a sentence or other construction ofone or more words that would complete or clarify construction, as the omission of who are, while I am, or while we are from I like to interview people sitting down.
the omission of one or more items from a construction in order to avoid repeating the identical or equivalent items that are in a preceding or following construction, as the omission of been to Paris from the second clause of I've been to Paris, but they haven't.
Printing . a mark or marks as ——, …, or * * *, to indicate an omission or suppression of letters or words.
Can someone please explain to me why the plural of both ellipse and ellipsis is ellipses?
I refuse to think of my ironic use of the ... ellipsis as a cyclical ellipse.
the perils of printmaking!

"nice to meet you"
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
new hobbies

Das ist verrückt!: a post about Europe