Sunday, August 21, 2011


Backflips & gainers into the lake from 20', paddleboardin', wakeboardin', wakesurfin', horse ridin', AND hikin'/backpackin'/campin' on the Olympic peninsula. What do these things have in common? They're all fun summer activities. My FAVORITE summer activities.

What do they also have in common? They shouldn't be done with broken ribs.

Lesson learned.

In other news, whoever invented bones should have made them unbreakable. I mean, REALLY.

In other other news, I have 8 days of summer left. Spending that time with ice strapped to me while in pain sounds like a not-very-fun way to spend it. I broke my ribs in early JULY. It's the MIDDLE OF AUGUST. If they can't be unbreakable, why can't they just heal faster? Rude.

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