Monday, August 29, 2011

Things that I learned during my first day back in school:

#1: I'm apparently attracted to phallic yellow-green vegetables. (My advanced color theory seminar went on a field trip to the Asian grocery store. I pleaded my case by explaining that while the store was predominately hot pink signs and red decorations, while pink is technically a tone of red, and green is the compliment of red- I really had the right idea.

#2: Stating that your imaginary friends are in the car with you, therefore making you eligible for up-front carpool parking spaces only makes you look crazier than you already are.

#3: I don't know left from right.

All in all, a productive day.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

questions of the day:

Firstly, are clams really happy?

And secondly, WHO gets to name hurricanes?!

...because I SO want that job.

I mean, you have to admit that it's very likely people would pay more attention to a hurricane named "Windfuck 3000" or "SNOOKI" instead of some nice generic name- i.e. "Irene."

Think about it.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

thought for the day:

I think it's funny when people accuse me of having double standards... when I'm pretty sure I never had any to begin with.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Backflips & gainers into the lake from 20', paddleboardin', wakeboardin', wakesurfin', horse ridin', AND hikin'/backpackin'/campin' on the Olympic peninsula. What do these things have in common? They're all fun summer activities. My FAVORITE summer activities.

What do they also have in common? They shouldn't be done with broken ribs.

Lesson learned.

In other news, whoever invented bones should have made them unbreakable. I mean, REALLY.

In other other news, I have 8 days of summer left. Spending that time with ice strapped to me while in pain sounds like a not-very-fun way to spend it. I broke my ribs in early JULY. It's the MIDDLE OF AUGUST. If they can't be unbreakable, why can't they just heal faster? Rude.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


The volume of the noise made by a person's footsteps on a floor with a hard surface is directly proportional to how important they think they are, but inversely proportional to how important they actually are.

You know you're a nerd when...

So one of my best-friends-turned-roomate (hi JAY!) and I like to play this little game called "You know you're a nerd when (...)". Basically, the rules are: every time one of us does/says something nerdy, the other says, "You know you're a nerd when!" and we add the nerdy action/phrase/etc to the list.

Pretty stupid, but also incredibly entertaining.

Today's edition:

You know you're a nerd when you spend all night watching documentaries.
(And can't stop talking about them.)

If you're a nerd like we are, you'll seriously enjoy the following website:

You're welcome.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

TIME FOR: My Dad Was Right... Again. Ugh.

No, seriously... it's getting annoying.

Ok, I can't find the clip of him today, but watch these because they're funny.

See links below:

And best of all, this:

If nothing else, give him credit for the confidence he has in his mullet. Unparalleled.

Monday, August 1, 2011


IT'S HERE AGAIN! My favorite week of the year; 7 blissful days of nonstop shark programming on the Discovery Channel. HAPPY SHARK WEEK!